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Local Kendo Federation receives Bogu and Shinai to promote discipline

Local Kendo Federation receives Bogu and Shinai to promote discipline

The Namibia Kendo Federation (NKF) recently announced that they were selected by the All Japan Kendo Federation (AJKF) as one of only four countries worldwide to receive Bogu (armour) and Shinai (bamboo training swords) to promote Kendo in Namibia.

Local Kendo pioneer, Sensei André Pienaar, said they are grateful for the wonderful gesture and they are encouraged and motivated by this as it not only promotes the martial art of Kendo but also strengthens the bond of friendship between Namibia and Japan.

“We are already planning to invite participants from the Hope, and Fowler Dojos to the Musashi Dojo in Windhoek to start with Bogu training,” the Sensei added.

Kendo is a Japanese form of fencing with two-handed bamboo swords, originally developed as a safe form of sword training for samurai. It refers to a way of life shaped by the discipline cultivated through its practice, a discipline that produces perseverance, alertness, and concentration, and above all, it requires great introspection, or looking into oneself.

Sensei Pienaar is a 40-year karate veteran, holding Shodan (black belt) gradings in two karate disciplines.


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Sport Contributor

The Economist does not have a dedicated sport reporter. This designation is used for several contributors who want their sport stories in the Economist. Experience has taught us that companies usually want their sport sponsorships published prominently, being the reason for a sports category. It now also carries general sport items but only those with direct Namibian relevance. - Ed.