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DHPS off to Sport Olympiad

48 DHPS pupils on their way to bi-annual Sport Olympia 2014 in Johannesburg

48 DHPS pupils on their way to bi-annual Sport Olympia 2014 in Johannesburg

The bi-annual Sport Olympiad will take place in Johannesburg from 17 to 21 March. The Sport Olympiad hosting rotates amongst the five German private schools in Southern Africa.
The Sport Olympiad will see schools like Deutsche Höhere Privatschule, DHPS in Windhoek. The other four schools are the German private school in Cape Town, DSK, in Johannesburg, DSJ, in Pretoria, DSP and in Hermannsburg, DSH with each school presenting a team of 48 athletes overall. These are split up in three age groups for both boys and girls. In other words there are three boys’ groups comprising eight athletes each and three girls’ groups of eight athletes each.

The athletes compete in athletics, swimming, tennis and other ball games. In athletics the events are as follows: 100m dash, 800m, long jump, high jump, ball throw, shot put, javelin throw and a 4x100m relay. All four strokes in swimming are performed over 50m and a 12x50m relay is added. In tennis doubles are played. The games are soccer, european handball, basketball and volleyball. The idea of the Olympiad is not only to compete in the stadium and the pool, but also the exchange of head boys and head girls, as well as sport teachers. Not to underestimate is the social component of the event. A grand final celebration is staged to honour the winner. The hosting school accommodates all guests in host-families.

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