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National Theatre to host webinar unpacking gaps and futures of contemporary performance practices

National Theatre to host webinar unpacking gaps and futures of contemporary performance practices

The National Theatre of Namibia in partnership with Owela Festival and Odalate Naiteke Practice-as-Research Programme will host a free 2-day seminar/workshop (through a webinar), from 13 to 14th of October, that aims to unpack issues concerning the gaps, shifts and futures of contemporary Namibian performance practices.

The webinar covers themes of Genealogies, Orientations and Raptures of contemporary Namibian performance cultures, and is motivated both by the entangled historic and emerging performance cultures of Namibia.

This webinar has been initiated as an urgent response to the lack of extensive literature and research on contemporary Namibian theatre and performance.

The Theatre said unlike the Namibian visual arts sector, there remain significant gaps in a critical and reflexive manner, on the knowledge, historiography and possibilities of the Namibian performance sector across the times.

The conveners include Nelago Shilongoh (NTN) and Nashilongwehsipwe Mushaandja (Odalate Naiteke Practice-as-Research Programme).

To join the 2-day webinar, register through the link and view program here.

About The Author

Donald Matthys

Donald Matthys has been part of the media fraternity since 2015. He has been working at the Namibia Economist for the past three years mainly covering business, tourism and agriculture. Donald occasionally refers to himself as a theatre maker and has staged two theatre plays so far. Follow him on twitter at @zuleitmatthys