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Fate of Namib’s wild horses still in limbo

Fate of Namib’s wild horses still in limbo

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism has not yet made a final decision on the relocation of the Garub feral horses in the Karas Region or on the number of horses to be relocated

Last week the Ministry said it has noted and is aware of the threats facing the horses such as drought and predators and are current working on a solution.

According to the Ministry, they are actively working on resolving this matter and their decision on this will be based on the best interest of the horses and the tourism industry in Namibia.

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism PRO, Romeo Muyunda said that all aspects will be considered when making the decision to ensure the well being and the survival of the horses.

Meanwhile the ministry has acknowledged the support of the private sector and tourism industry for their actions in working to ensure the survival of the wild horses.

The horse numbers are declining despite the provision of supplementary feed funded by generous donation from the public.

The future of the wild horses still looks bleak as there are only 84 left because of the drought spanning more than two years and all the last surviving horses are struggling to stay alive.


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