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Tweya: Another case to hide under the pillow?

Dear sir,
I am afraid the case in which Tjekero Tweya, the deputy minister of Industry and Trade is being accused of land grabbing will be the next case that will find itself safely buried inside the state house.
And before some people get ‘funny’ ideas, let me state that the so called ‘grabbing of land’ is a criminal offence. The state should punish the offender and not sweep it under a carpet or hide it under the pillow, as so many other cases of such kind. However, no one in our government is serious about land grabbing, and its penalty is a mere joke. Who would not like to get 3000 ha of land at that derisory price of N$4000? Paying that price is the cheapest known way to ‘acquire’ land. Besides, if you are a ‘fat cat’ already, you will not even get penalised.
So many cases known to the public are testimony of this sad fact. You will not even lose your position, your inflated income and certainly not your ‘next opportunities’, described by all the ‘skelms’ as privileges.
We have to ask where did this sort of corruption begin in our new Namibia. Did it not grow from the ‘top’? Certainly, any corruption that starts at the highest level of government will be hard to weed out; corruption that involves the highest institutions and office bearers of a state is bound to live well and for very long.
No one will be able to ‘kill’ it; instead it will permeate all society, all government levels, and will corrupt our present and future generations. To expect the president to change his strategy on protecting corruption for the Tweya-case would be nothing but a foolish expectation. He would never dare to open the pandora box because that would lay open all the corruption that involve too many high ranking public figures, and precisely for this reason, it will not happen.
Our society has to wake up. There is absolutely no alternative to that because this nation is by nature very ‘sleepy’. The geese are sleeping when the foxes and wolves are on the prowl. However, every morning, when this flock of geese is again corrupted, when the number of ‘geese’ is again reduced and the signs of the attack, feathers and spilled blood, are blatantly visible, the pitiful public lamenting starts. The weeping and complaining goes on for a short time, the papers report on the ‘terrible loss’ and on the ‘abhorrent corruption’, even the ‘fox’ howls in unison and, yes, with that piece of a poor show the pitiful ‘fight’ against corruption ends; the foxes, wolves and hyenas are back in their burrows, happily digesting the loot of the night.
But when the moon rises again, the corrupt activities of the night start again, covered by darkness and protected effectively by the guardians of Namibia.
Annatjie Kleinseun

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