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Thank You – not often said enough

Let me use this platform to thank the people in my life, especially those who have made a difference in my life, who have been with me through thick and thin, since I do not say it often enough.

Firstly, I would like to thank myself. This might seem a little bit selfish or I might sound arrogant for this, but I really must thank my self for never giving up on myself, for always trying to soldier on at the most difficult times. I have not always been kind to myself and I might not be were I thought I would be in life, but I still try to put on my happy face everyday. “Thank you girl, keep on, keeping on!”
Thank you to my god on earth, my mother, who will turn this earth upside down for her children. A humble, no nonsenses taking woman, a cancer survivor, my super woman. Thank you very much for everything that you have done for me. I know I am a very difficult child even at this age and that I have given you countless sleepless nights, but I am glad you can still give my a nice hard ‘klaap’ on my head too make me think sensibly again.
Thank you to the Rasmeni clan for helping to raise me and are still raising me and for never giving up on me. “Ndyiabonga Mahirha”. To the two men closes to me, pa and bhuti. You guys need a bells, for putting up with my mood swings and my silent treatments when I do not get my way.
As I am writing this it fells like I am saying goodbye, but no I am not. I just woke up with a lot of gratitude and joy in my heart.
Another thank you goes out to my friends, the ones that I lost, the ones that used me and the true ones. You guys taught and showed me how the world works. Some of you stabbed me in back, some of you spat in my face and some of you loved me like only my family would love me. And this is where I learned that there is kinds of love.
I would also like to thank every body that has helped me through my journey, said a kind word to me without even realising it, for pulling me up when I fell and for those who are still going to be in my life, whether you have a positive or negative impact in my life, I will still learn and grow form it.
This is making me too emotional and I hardly catch feelings or get emotional. But I just had to do this because most of the time the people in my life hardly see this side of me. So people if I behave badly, start acting up, make you angry or get on your nervous, just remember this.
And last but not least to ‘the creature’, I won’t call you by name, but thank you indeed, even though I do not talk to you as often as you might like, I might even reject you at times but I always feel you around me.
For those that I did not thank, I thank you and don’t catch any feeling.

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