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Trustco Air Show paves way for future airshows

A collage of aerial displays: The different aerial displays that caused a jaw dropping-effect on the attendances at the year’s edition of the Trustco Air Show which was held last week

A collage of aerial displays: The different aerial displays that caused a jaw dropping-effect on the attendances at the year’s edition of the Trustco Air Show which was held last week

A collage of aerial displays: The different aerial displays that caused a jaw dropping-effect on the attendances at the year’s edition of the Trustco Air Show which was held last week

A collage of aerial displays: The different aerial displays that caused a jaw dropping-effect on the attendances at the year’s edition of the Trustco Air Show which was held last week

The Trustco Namibia International Air Show held last weekend saw up to 14,500 confirmed visitors and in terms of various criteria, a resounding success according to Reinhard Gärtner, President: Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA).

“The ultimate criteria of a successful air show is that of an accident and incident free record. All displays were completed in a safe and organised manner and all pilots returned home safely with their aircraft. The same clean sheet can be reported regarding the vehicle traffic, parking area, visitor’s area and the entire helpers and support crew,” he said.
“The show in general and the organising committee in particular was indeed blessed with the presence of the President, Deputy President, Minister of Works and Transport and other high profile dignitaries. The dignitaries roamed freely through the crowds and visited the static displays and VIP tents, instilling respect and a vote of confidence from fellow Namibians and foreign visitors alike,” he added.
According to Gärtner the event went smoothly with no logistical drawbacks as the flow of traffic, parking bay allocation and unrestricted entrance control were maintained, all adding to overall visitor.
In terms of displays and the flying programme, Gärtner said, “ Without exception, all aircraft in the air caused a jaw dropping-effect making it difficult for many a visitor to single out a favourite.”
“Bringing Aviation closer to the people of Namibia and the people of Namibia closer to Aviation, was our mission which has undoubtedly been accomplished. This should bode well for the future of air shows in Namibia and that the passion for aviation is instilled in the next generation of Namibians,” he added.
Managing director of Trustco Group Holdings, Quinton van Rooyen, said, “This event, over the past months, has demonstrated how Corporate Namibia and no less than nine Government ministries and departments as well as several organizations and associations can complement each other to the benefit of a much greater cause. The cause of making this Namibian house a better place for all who traverses its soil.”
Meanwhile, Gärtner said the impact of this show on the general image of Namibia, the tourism sector and the ability of Namibia and Namibians to stage such an event can hardly be overestimated and this will undoubtedly pave the way for future air shows which will probably become a regular feature on the Namibian events calendar.

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