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Nedbank supports NUST Eenhana Student Welfare Fund at Association of Diplomatic Spouses bazaar

Nedbank supports NUST Eenhana Student Welfare Fund at Association of Diplomatic Spouses bazaar

By Michel Haoses.

The Association of Diplomatic Spouses (ADS) last weekend, held its Diplomatic International Food and Crafts Bazaar at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) Hotel, under the theme ‘Education-The Passport to Your Future’.

The ADS has since its establishment in 1992 been the biggest contributor to charitable causes, focusing mainly on supporting disadvantaged communities, vulnerable women and children, orphans, and individuals affected by HIV/AIDS.

Contributions received will directly go towards educational projects including the NUST Eenhana Student Welfare Fund, which assists gifted students in pursuing their academic endeavours.

More than 29 countries exhibited on Saturday each offering a variety of art, cuisines, crafts, and performances.

Notable dignitaries were also in attendance, including Ministry of Education Art and Culture Executive Director, Sanet Steenkamp and ambassadors of various embassies in Namibia.

While speaking at the event Steenkamp expressed gratitude towards the organisers and sponsors for not only being partners but for making the event a wonderful experience.

Steenkamp further added “Every one person’s life that is uplifted and empowered through education, 14 more people benefit through this generosity. We recognize the organizers and sponsors of the event not just as partners but as the team that made this such a wonderful experience”.

ADS President, Matthias Geisler also thanked all sponsors, embassies, and high commissioners for their contribution to the bazaar.

NUST Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Partnerships, Collin Stanley said “The bazaar marks the inception of a fund specifically designed to support students studying at our Eenhana campus who face challenges stemming from their location.

Nedbank Namibia Communications and Public Relations Manager, Selma Kaulinge stated “As money experts who do good, this donation is part of our ongoing efforts to support educational initiatives that enable the beneficiaries to develop and enhance their skills. We believe that by supporting education, we are helping build a prosperous future”.

(from left to right): President, Association of Diplomatic Spouses (ADS), Matthias Geisler; Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Partnership at NUST, Dr Collin Stanley; and Executive Director in the Ministry of Education, Art and Culture, Sanet Steenkamp.


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