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With us, every day is world environment day

What affects the environment affects our ability to ensure substantive socio-economic development and SABMiller Namibia honours the holistic approach to managing energy and carbon emissions across the beer brewing chain.
In terms of beer production, changes in the planet’s climate may have serious effects in terms of the availability of water and on agricultural production – raw materials vital in the manufacture and production of beer.
It is therefore in the interest of the nation and SABMiller Namibia that we do everything in our power to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and to play a part in combating climate change. By 2020, the global SABMiller business, of which SABMiller Namibia is part, aims to halve the fossil fuel emissions from their on-site energy use per hectolitre of lager produced compared to 2008.
Bogart Butler, Technical Manager: Brewing of SABMiller Namibia stated, “In 2013, SABMiller global used 127 megajoules (MJ) per hl of lager produced, a reduction of 8% compared to the previous year. The global businesses carbon dioxide (CO2)/ greenhouse gas emissions fell by 10% to 11.1kgCO2e/hl. We at SABMiller Namibia see this performance as a springboard for being the best corporate environmental citizen in the country and one of the Top 10 best corporate environmental citizens in the world.”

The brewery’s aim is most evident in the design and construction of SABMiller Namibia’s Okahandja brewery.
The SABMiller Namibia Okahandja brewery’s focus is to be one of the Top 10 breweries in the SABMiller stable with the lowest carbon emissions, the facility makes maximum use of natural light, thus reducing reliance on carbon heavy electricity and has defined water consumption targets. Due consideration has also been given to the carbon associated with SABMiller Namibia’s value chain, which is translated into a focus on packaging manufacture, transport and product refrigeration.
The businesses keen focus on these areas of environmental impact management demonstrate SABMiller Namibia’s commitment to ensuring long term, sustainable economic growth through a specified and clear emphasis on sound environmental protection and management.
Cobus Bruwer, Managing Director said, “At SABMiller Namibia we believe that our entire value chain demonstrates a new manner of thinking and doing to ensure our world and therefore mankind’s survival. This is because, for us, every day is World Environment Day.”

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