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Second X-trail slated for this weekend

Second X-trail slated for this weekend

The second X-trail in the Standard Bank Winter series will take place on 22 July at Avis. This will be the 8th year that Standard Bank has sponsored the event.

Like the other events in the series, participants can choose between a 7km trail or a 16km trail.

OTB Sport, the event organisers said there are beautiful trails on the doorstep of the capital city.

“The 7km trail is suitable for most people and we have recreational participants who do the event with their family and friends and enjoy the views as well as competitive individuals looking for a spot on the podium,” they added.

They said the 16km trails were more challenging in terms of distance but very doable for the fit and over 400 people have entered in total. “We thank Standard Bank for their generous contribution and initiative in sponsoring these trails and bringing the Namibian outdoors to the participants,” they emphasised.

The third and final event in the series, the Dunes, will take place in Swakopmund on 23 September, for more details go to


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Sport Contributor

The Economist does not have a dedicated sport reporter. This designation is used for several contributors who want their sport stories in the Economist. Experience has taught us that companies usually want their sport sponsorships published prominently, being the reason for a sports category. It now also carries general sport items but only those with direct Namibian relevance. - Ed.