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Headspring Investments raises concerns over absence of ISR mining experts ahead of uranium mining meeting

Headspring Investments raises concerns over absence of ISR mining experts ahead of uranium mining meeting

Headspring Investments, a locally registered operating company, has expressed concerns over the upcoming “High-Level Expert Feedback Meeting regarding Uranium Mining Impacts in the Stampriet Artesian Basin,” citing the absence of experts on In-Situ Recovery (ISR) mining.

The initiative organised by the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Reform focusing on the “High-Level Expert Feedback Meeting regarding Uranium Mining Impacts in the Stampriet Artesian Basin” is scheduled for 17 June.

In an open letter issued on Thursday addressed to members of various governmental bodies and the public, the investment firm highlighted the importance of scientific expertise in discussions concerning uranium mining, expressing disappointment over the lack of representation of ISR mining experts on the agenda.

The meeting, set to be held in Mariental, will be attended by distinguished guests such as Dr. Alexandros Makarigakis, UNESCO Regional Director and Representative a.i. for Eastern Africa, and Ms. Nisha, UNESCO Regional Director for Southern Africa.

“While we respect and appreciate their contributions, we note with concern that it seems as if neither of these esteemed guests might be experts in the ISR method of mining,” they said in a statement.

The letter referenced a statement made by the Minister in February, where he assured Parliament of plans to involve the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to provide advice from independent experts on ISR mining.

However, Headspring Investments stated that to date, there is no evidence of such engagement with the IAEA.

The investment firm emphasized the global recognition of ISR expertise within the IAEA and called on the Minister to provide proof of correspondence with the agency regarding the evaluation of Headspring Investments’ “Project Wings.”

“Hence, Headspring Investment is not confident that the deliberations on 17 June will be led by science, but that issues will be emotionally driven, according to minutes of SAUMA as far back as 15 June 2022, under a point labeled “Public Eye” the third point, states bluntly: “Recognition that emotion is driving the issue”, they added.

“We urge the Minister and all involved to ensure that the upcoming discussions are led by scientific evidence and expert knowledge. An objective and thorough assessment of our operations is crucial for demonstrating our commitment to environmental protection and ensuring a safe and sustainable future for all stakeholders,” they concluded.


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The Staff Reporter

The staff reporter is the most senior in-house Economist reporter. This designation is frequently used by the editor for articles submitted by third parties, especially businesses, but which had to be rewritten completely. - Ed.