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President Mbumba calls for unified action to safeguard marine resources

President Mbumba calls for unified action to safeguard marine resources

The President, HE Dr Nangolo Mbumbaa has emphasised the crucial need to protect marine ecosystems and address climate change for the prosperity of present and future generations.

Mbumba highlighted this during his address on the occasion of World Ocean Day, celebrations held in Walvis Bay on Friday.

Accompanied by esteemed dignitaries, including John Mutorwa, Deputy Prime Minister, and Derek Klazen, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, the event underscored the theme “Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean and Climate.”

Mbumba reflected on the profound significance of the ocean, quoting the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, who described it as “the foundation of life” sustaining biodiversity, regulating climate, and providing essential resources.

Acknowledging Namibia’s status as a coastal nation heavily reliant on marine resources, President Mbumba emphasized the ocean’s critical role in providing sustenance and livelihoods.

He noted the pressing threats posed by climate change, rising sea levels, plastic pollution, and illegal fishing practices, underscoring the urgent need for collective action.

In alignment with global efforts, Mbumba called for concerted measures to reduce carbon emissions, combat plastic pollution, and safeguard marine ecosystems. He emphasized the pivotal role of youth as agents of change in fostering sustainable ocean management and environmental stewardship.

Highlighting Namibia’s commitment to ocean conservation, Mbumba reaffirmed the country’s active engagement in international forums such as the High-Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Mbumba outlined Namibia’s progress towards sustainable ocean governance, including the development of a comprehensive Blue Economy Policy and Marine Spatial Plan aimed at promoting environmental resilience and socio-economic prosperity.

Meanwhile, the President urged all citizens to join hands in protecting the ocean, emphasizing its intrinsic value and indispensable role in sustaining life on Earth.


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The Staff Reporter

The staff reporter is the most senior in-house Economist reporter. This designation is frequently used by the editor for articles submitted by third parties, especially businesses, but which had to be rewritten completely. - Ed.