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Nedbank Women in Media Conference sparks dialogue on diverse roles in the sector

Nedbank Women in Media Conference sparks dialogue on diverse roles in the sector

The fourth annual Nedbank Women in Media conference convened in Windhoek on Sunday, fostering an environment of camaraderie, collaboration, and dialogue under the theme “Bringing Together Diverse Voices.”

The event brought together prominent female figures from Namibia’s media landscape, providing a platform to address pressing issues such as gender disparities in leadership, mental health challenges, and representation within the industry.

Kicking off the conference, Limba Mupetami, an acclaimed journalist and co-founder of Women in Media, delivered an inspiring speech, urging young women to pursue educational opportunities, network actively, and pave the way for future generations. “I highly encourage young women to equip themselves, seize educational opportunities, network, and pave the way for others,” she emphasized.

Speakers at the event advocated for inclusive storytelling and addressed policy gaps threatening the safety of female journalists. Shelleygan Petersen, an award-winning journalist, highlighted the importance of prioritizing mental health in an industry often marked by intense pressure and stress.

The conference underscored the persistent gender gap in media and called for concerted efforts to rectify disparities in representation. Nedbank Namibia reaffirmed its commitment to gender equity, acknowledging the challenges faced by women in expert representation, online harassment, and stereotypical portrayals.

Throughout the event, the significance of mentorship programs in nurturing the next generation of female media professionals was emphasized, with attendees expressing a collective desire to drive positive change.

The conference featured a range of speakers, including Sylvia Mundjindi from Friederich Ebert Stiftung, who emphasized the importance of providing safe working environments for women in media.

Selma Ikela, a news editor, discussed the power of storytelling in addressing Namibia’s challenges, while Elzita Beukes and Eva Rakel offered insights into entertainment as a tool for women’s empowerment and a global perspective on the media landscape, respectively.

A panel discussion on the contribution of corporate PR to the media landscape provided insights from industry experts, highlighting the interconnectedness of journalism and PR in shaping informed storytelling.

Reflecting on the event, attendees expressed appreciation for the wealth of knowledge shared and the sense of inspiration it instilled. Selma Kaulinge, Communication and PR Manager at Nedbank Namibia noted the growing attendance each year, highlighting the hunger among women for platforms like these.

For many, the conference provided a sense of community and support within the industry, as emphasized by journalist Hertha Ekandjo, who described Women in Media as a family of fearless women ready to make their mark.

The conference, made possible through the support of esteemed sponsors including Nedbank Namibia, Multichoice, the European Union, and others, provided a valuable platform for networking, dialogue, and constructive conversations to drive positive change within the media industry.

Speakers from the Nedbank Women in Media Conference were made up of women from diverse professions within media.


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