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Swakop Municipality responds to residents’ objection of land use for radioactive waste

Swakop Municipality responds to residents’ objection of land use for radioactive waste

By Adolf Kaure.

The Municipality of Swakopmund acknowledged the recent notice of objection of a proposed change in land use through an official statement, assuring residents that the matter is under careful consideration and the objections raised would be thoroughly examined during upcoming Council deliberations.

“It is imperative to note that no final decisions have been made as the matter is yet to be discussed.”

“The Municipality is committed to a transparent and inclusive process. Residents’ concerns and objections are vital components of this decision-making process and the municipality encourages community engagement,” said Swakopmund Chief Executive, Archie Benjamin in the statement.

He further stated that the application has not yet been submitted to Council for discussions and that deliberations on the application will take into account the objections and concerns raised by residents. “Residents are urged to participate in the process by submitting their written comments, representations, and objections within the stipulated timeframe. This collaborative approach ensures that community input is integral to the decision-making process,” he said.

The municipality has alerted residents that they can contact the Stewart Planning Town and Regional Planners directly for further information or clarification on the proposed use of land or buildings.

This comes after a Facebook group known as “Stop Corruption – Namibia Corruption Clean Up Movement” was created by a resident to mobilize other Swakopmund residents to sign a petition to stop the radioactive waste being dumped at ERF 3954 situated along Einstein Street of Swakopmund’s Industrial Area.

The admin of the Facebook group, Jade McClune, wrote in the description of the group that all residents need to unite to preserve the town’s environment. “Over the next few days, we can begin to prepare a petition against the dumping of radioactive waste at Swakopmund to submit to Council.”

“We must consider all other actions necessary to protect our natural environment and our whole community from this risk.”

“Previously we managed to stop Gecko Industries from turning Swakopmund into an industrial waste dump for the uranium mines. Now we must do it again, all of us, black and white, rich and poor, we must stand together or we must accept the consequences of our failure to act.”

“So, despite our differences, as Namibians this is the time to come together, to stand together, and to work together to stop these profit-hungry corporations and short-sighted greedy people from destroying what belongs to our children.”

“We can only win if we come together to face the threat. So I would be happy to hear from you also if you have ideas about how we might respond to this threat and what actions to take as a community,” said McClune.

The petition, which was started on 25 February, aims to gather 2500 signatures. By 12 March, it has accumulated 1962.

The entrance and courtyard of Erf 3954 situated along Einstein Street in the Swakopmund Industrial Area. This plot is now the focal point in a severe campaign to prevent its rezoning for the purpose of storing radioactive waste. (Photograph by Adolf Kaure)


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