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Journalists and students sharpen financial reporting skills

Journalists and students sharpen financial reporting skills

Capricorn Group and Sanlam Namibia hosted a half-day Financial Journalism Workshop themed ‘Mastering key concepts in financial journalism’.

The workshop was aimed at capacitating media practitioners in reporting on the financial services industry, including banks and the insurance industry.

Media practitioners from the broadcast, print, and digital spheres and final-year media students from the University of Namibia and the Namibia University of Science and Technology attended the workshop to network and sharpen their financial reporting skills.

Capricorn Group and Sanlam Namibia’s efforts in the past to upskill media practitioners have proven to be highly enlightening and constructive.

This year, the strategic partners teamed up to present an exciting agenda covering guidance on interpreting financial statements and analysing financial trends, ethical guidelines and regulations that govern the financial and insurance industries, practical financial/economic journalism, and understanding economic concepts.

Presenters on the day included Bank Windhoek’s Chief Financial Officer, Zenaune Kamberipa, Legal and Compliance General Manager at Sanlam, Mathys du Preez, veteran business journalist and former editor, Tabby Moyo, and Chief Economist at Capricorn Asset Management, Floris Bergh.

This year, Capricorn Group celebrates a decade since its listing on the Namibian Stock Exchange, and with its financial results announcement swiftly approaching, the Group remains centred on its purpose of improving lives through leadership in financial services as Connectors of Positive Change, committed to ensuring a sustainable future for Capricorn Group and our stakeholders while contributing to economic development in the countries where it operates.

Capricorn Group Executive: Brand and Corporate Affairs, Marlize Horn, highlighted the important role that the media plays as a watchdog for society by sharing information, educating, and providing analyses to respective audiences.

“It is in this light that the Group recognised the need in the market for enhanced financial reporting, not only to represent the financial sector accurately but to interpret the actions of specifically listed companies and make it understandable for the local communities,” she said.

On its part, and with a commitment to fostering excellence in Journalism, Sanlam has, over the years, actively supported and has been actively involved in imparting financial journalism skills to journalists and media houses through two main initiatives.

The first is the Sanlam Group Awards for Excellence in Financial Journalism. Established in 1974, the awards recognise outstanding financial journalists in print, online, radio, and television media who are based in Africa, working in an African news organisation, and publishing or broadcasting their work on the continent. The second is the prestigious Sanlam Summer School for Financial Journalists, a week-long Financial Journalism workshop aimed at skilling journalists to analyse financial statements effectively. The summer school is an innovative programme designed to empower and equip journalists with the tools they need to excel in investigative journalism, thereby contributing to enhancing corporate governance within Namibia.

Speaking about the collaborative effort, Tertius Stears, Chief Executive Officer of Sanlam Namibia Holdings, emphasised the importance of honing financial reporting skills for the betterment of journalism and corporate transparency.

“Through this workshop, Sanlam hopes that we nurture the talents of current and future Namibian journalists, refining their ability to navigate intricate financial matters and communicate them effectively to the public,” Stears stated.


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