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Make education your New Year’s resolution in 2020

Make education your New Year’s resolution in 2020

Albin Jacobs
Director Southern Business School Namiba.

With the holiday season drawing to a close it is time to focus on the new year, 2020. Almost everyone makes some kind of New Year’s resolution, even if it is only in your mind. Saying them out loud means that friends and family can call you out when you falter or cheat mid-January or abandon the resolutions altogether by February. However, with the start of a new decade I would urge you to make one promise or resolution to yourself and that is to pursue an education.

Resolving to educate yourself means investing in broadening your knowledge and expanding your intellectual horizons. Starting to study in 2020 can lead to improving your position within the company or organisation that you are working for. Achieve that promotion you have had your eye on, or make the switch to the career or company that you have always dreamed of. Like all resolutions this takes real commitment and discipline and that is why providing the facilities to make learning and earning degrees as easy as possible is now the trend. Distance Learning is definitely the way to keep to your commitment that you made to yourself and perhaps your family.

In 2020 technology and the world has changed immensely and Namibia is no different. Everything now is ‘on-demand’ and tailored to suit your needs and fit into your lifestyle. Just take Netflix, Uber, Online shopping 24 hours a day. The list is endless and Distance Learning fits into this list as well. This is where academic institutions like Southern Business School Namibia and Embury play an important role. Distance Learning and e-learning have become an integral and vital part of the educational landscape with many advantages. People often don’t think and realise that distance learning is a real viable option, providing you choose a properly NQA-accredited institution that provides quality education.

There’s no more hassle in getting to and from classes or worrying about being late to a class or childcare and work issues. These challenges do not occur with distance learning, as you do it all from the comfort of your home, or even if you are traveling or on holiday. So, that is one excuse out the window when it comes to keeping the New Year’s resolution of starting to study and earning a qualification.

Modern technology also helps you be disciplined and keep the promise you made to yourself. Internet, e-mail and other forms of technology ensure access to a wealth of up-to-date information for distance students. Motivation, or lack of it, is usually the reason why resolutions fall by the wayside by mid-February. Through the network that Distance Learning institutions like SBS Namibia and Embury provide, you will definitely stay motivated and keep your eye on the prize. You’re not learning in isolation, your network of other students, lecturers and tutors are all online and act as a support structure.

Life these days is all about convenience and distance learning makes it as convenient as possible. It’s easy to apply and register online for the course of your choosing. There’s even a road show that Southern Business School organises so you can register. Your course material is sent to you or to a convenient location and exams are written in 15 exam centres across the country. There really is no excuse to not stick to your resolution of furthering your education in 2020.

So, make the commitment and tell your friends and family about this resolution and amaze them with actually keeping to your resolutions well passed February and all the way to the conclusion of your course or degree and be rewarded with an accredited degree in one of the many fields of study or qualify to become a teacher. Empower yourself and boost your education and career. Let self-improvement and education guide your resolutions for 2020.


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