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Swakop Uranium Foundation donates to Westside High and Venessa Kindergarten

Swakop Uranium Foundation donates to Westside High and Venessa Kindergarten

By Adolf Kaure.

The Swakop Uranium Foundation recently made donations to Swakopmund’s Westside High School and the Vennesa Kindergarten at handover ceremonies at both schools.

Under its ‘Invest in Education’ campaign, the Foundation brings improvements to school facilities and support feeding schemes nationwide by creating a positive and fit learning environment for the youth.

An amount of N$200,000 was pledged to Westside High for the renovation of its feeding scheme facilities that caters for orphans and vulnerable children as well as to refurbish the school gates among other projects.

The ‘Invest in Education’ campaign began in Gobabis during mid- January and has later also contributed to Namib High School and Swakopmund Secondary School.

“We will continue to reach other regions, and do our part to assist the Namibian government to address national educational challenges. We also hope that other corporates will do the same,” said Foundation Chair, Percy McCallum.

The Westside High Principal, Veneza Rheeder expressed her gratitude for the donation. “We are immensely grateful to the Swakop Uranium Foundation for sharing in our mission and vision to receive the donation for a proper facility for the feeding scheme operations.”

“Currently we are operating the scheme from a corridor, and we have between 150 and 300 learners benefitting from our kitchen,” said Rheeder.

The Foundation trustees also paid a visit to the Vennesa Healthcare and Kindergarten in Swakopmund’s DRC informal settlement to pledge N$72,000 for the purchase of the facility’s monthly maize meal quota.

The facility caters for 25 children and teenage girls that have dropped out of school.


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