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International Peace Organisation urges ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conflict

Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), a South Korean global peace organisation in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and the Seoul Metropolitan Government,  recently released a statement advocating for an immediate cessation of hostilities in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The organisation asserts that the ongoing war poses a significant threat to global security and is in violation of fundamental human rights principles.

In the statement, the organisation said, “It is clearly shown through reckless violence—which only produces losers—that it is the innocent civilians who become the victims in wars, and everyone in the world is witnessing this situation in real-time. Failing to stop an unjustified war will result in thousands and tens of thousands of civilian casualties. Can anyone compensate for such devastating atrocities?”

HWPL Chairman and Peace Advocate, Man Hee Lee stated that the non-governmental organisation condemns violence and conflict as threats to global peace and would try to promote peace in collaboration with global citizens.

“Organisations across the globe that collaborate with HWPL, which obtained special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council and associated with the UN Department of Global Communications, and HWPL members are urging for the two parties of the war to immediately cease the acts of aggression, protect the citizens, and actively engage in efforts to ensure recovery and peace. Furthermore, we call on the UN and the international community to swiftly take necessary measures such as mediating peace between the two parties to bring them to a dialogue and providing humanitarian support,” he noted.

Threats of violence, according to their statement, cannot derail global citizens’ hope for freedom and peace. “This hope is a strong will shared across the globe, and humanity will foster firm solidarity under peace that will ultimately bring about restoration by becoming one.”

HWPL unveils action plans to build a world of peace through peace activities in more than 170 nations by establishing an institutional approach to peace in the international community and raising awareness about the importance of peace.


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