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The Covid-19 phase of adulting

The Covid-19 phase of adulting

By Natasja Beyleveld.

Def Leppard sang “Have you Ever Needed Someone So Bad”, and I am assuming that both parents and their children were daydreaming about going on holiday, the ‘somewhere else’ and the ‘let’s get rocked’ vibes. We were vibing “Michael Needs to Rock” (google the dude).

Mic drop: Not all skills come naturally.

I wasn’t taught to be a good teacher, I’m a rather impatient one. I’m not fond of repeating myself, and imagine sitting with a Grade 1 (sweetheart) that’s learning to read. Trying to hold back my evil twin, my face looked like an Olympic diver mid-air whilst stunting a difficult move.

Imagine taking on the most difficult course in varsity, the subject you don’t understand nor particularly like. The one you scored 50% for, and you’re thinking they just put you through. You’re anxious, double-minded, uncertain, and out of your depth. It’s almost like starting your own business, except minus the excitement (this makes me laugh).

The Facebook posts of all the Head Girl Moms feels like your grating cheese and the grater hits your finger. It’s like playing dodge-ball while trying to have a cup of coffee.

Nice. Covid-19 and the repercussions thereof were not nice. It was messy, new, and transformational in terms of mindset. It forced introspection, and asking what matters, and why does it truly matter. It asked you all about your life purpose, business purpose, and vision again.

It forced you to drive at 60km an hour (at times, and not because you wanted to), or at 220km on the Sir Lowry’s Pass (mountain pass in Cape Town) . You’re not always dressed for the part either, perhaps looking like you fought with a cat in your car along the way.

It’s funny, but also tiring – the uncertainty has had kids and parents throw glorious tantrums every now and then. The only glue remaining at the very end is love that can withstand and understand, endure, explore, identify, heal, adventure-on, and brave-on.

The crucial ingredient we all needed to explore again, and again, was trust. Trust in your children to do their best, trust in your colleagues or employees to do their best, and trust in yourself to do your best. It’s not saying ‘chuck it in the f-bucket’; but more like saying ‘this too shall pass’, and ‘here we are’.

And some lessons learned from my ‘tiny humans’ (Marli and De Wet, aged 7 and 10).
The Flying Circus was fun at times, hard at times, crazy at times. But – it still flew, and didn’t crawl. We’re flying forward my friends, so keep your eyes on the horizon. You’re not alone!


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