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Government debt auctions continue as usual – delays with bond certificates must be expected

Government debt auctions continue as usual – delays with bond certificates must be expected

In a note sent out on Friday morning, 27 March, the Bank of Namibia advised that the Government Bond and Treasury Bill tender process will continue as usual.

“This serves to inform you that’s during the lockdown period as announced by H.E. the President in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, Government Bond and Treasury Bills tender process will remain as usual,” the central bank stated.

At the same time, the bank advised that they expect delays in the printing and distribution of Bond Certificates.

“The Bank will keep custody of the certificates until such a time it is safe for the clients to collect them. Bidding and settlement will be done as normal as scheduled in the issuance calendar.”

“The FY2020/21 borrowing plan will be shared as soon as the budget is tabled,” said Diina Hamutumwa in her daily mail distributed to capital market participants.


About The Author

Daniel Steinmann

Educated at the University of Pretoria: BA (hons), BD. Postgraduate degrees in Philosophy and Divinity. Publisher and Editor of the Namibia Economist since February 1991. Daniel Steinmann has steered the Economist as editor for the past 32 years. The Economist started as a monthly free-sheet, then moved to a weekly paper edition (1996 to 2016), and on 01 December 2016 to a daily digital newspaper at It is the first Namibian newspaper to go fully digital. He is an authority on macro-economics having established a sound record of budget analysis, strategic planning and assessing the impact of policy formulation. For eight years, he hosted a weekly talk-show on NBC Radio, explaining complex economic concepts to a lay audience in a relaxed, conversational manner. He was a founding member of the Editors' Forum of Namibia. Over the years, he has mentored hundreds of journalism students as interns and as young professional journalists. From time to time he helps economics students, both graduate and post-graduate, to prepare for examinations and moderator reviews. He is the Namibian respondent for the World Economic Survey conducted every quarter for the Ifo Center for Business Cycle Analysis and Surveys at the University of Munich in Germany. Since October 2021, he conducts a weekly talkshow on Radio Energy, again for a lay audience. On 04 September 2022, he was ordained as a Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church of Africa (NHKA). Send comments or enquiries to [email protected]