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Enviro-school Water-Wise washrooms inaugurated

Enviro-school Water-Wise washrooms inaugurated

German Ambassador, Matthias Schlaga visited the environmental research centre, the Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) to inaugurate the renovated and expanded washrooms by a tree planting ceremony last week.
The environmental school which is situated in the South-West of Namibia on the edge of the Namib Desert, annually offers approximately 1000 people the opportunity to learn about and live a sustainable life style. The seminars aim at improving the understanding of the ecosystem of the Namib Desert and empower the participants to carry their knowledge into their families and communities. Ambassador Schlaga praised the project as an impressive example of German-Namibian cooperation as it promotes the understanding – especially among the youth – about the possibilities and importance of living an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
The renovation and expansion of the washrooms enables NaDEET to reduce their water consumption to a minimum with the help of uncomplicated technologies and to reuse water for the watering of trees. Through the construction of additional washrooms, the school is now able to host larger groups.

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