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Save your skin

Save your skin

A simple preventative measure like a applying a sun blocker, can drastically reduce the number of skin cancer cases. Helping to drive this message home, Standard Bank this week donated N$120,000 to the Cancer Association for their annual Save Your Skin Campaign.
The campaign runs from November 2015 to October 2016 and is geared to raise awareness amongst Namibians about the dangers of skin cancer and to give useful advice as to how to protect one’s skin.
Advocate Sigrid Tjijorokisa, Group Company Secretary and Head: CSLI, Standard Bank Namibia concurred with Bill Gates and said “Medical treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable” emphasising that by contributing to this worthy cause, they are doing their small part to facilitate and promote a sustainable preventative healthcare system. “Skin cancers while being one of the most common forms of cancer is also one of the most preventable forms of cancers,” she said.
Rolf Hansen, CEO of the Cancer Association of Namibia agreed saying that the ‘Standard Bank Save your Skin- Sun Smart Skin Cancer awareness campaign’, is very dear to his heart because so many Namibians still remain partly ignorant and partly uneducated about the reality of not only cancer in general, but also skin cancer.
“Skin cancer is the most prevalent diagnosed form of cancer in Namibia and it affects all races, ages and skin colours and we have to break the stigma that only fair-skinned persons are affect by skin cancer. The reality is that we are all prone to cancer and skin cancer is no different,” he said.
The Standard Bank Save your Skin-Sun Smart Skin Cancer awareness campaign is an ongoing yearly project that strives to continuously educate all Namibians about skin cancer prevention. The public and companies can buy the Sun Screen at the CAN offices, which will cost them from N$30 to N$70, depending on the size they pick.

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