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Esther Beukes selected for Talents Durban and appointed programme director for Filmmakers Association

Esther Beukes selected for Talents Durban and appointed programme director for Filmmakers Association

MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) alumnus and filmmaker Esther Beukes has achieved dual recognition as she prepares to participate in the prestigious Talents Durban programme and take on the role of programme director for the Filmmakers Association of Namibia (FAN).

Talents Durban, a renowned talent development initiative hosted during the Durban FilmMart from 19 to 22 July will feature Beukes with her series, ‘The Mind of Alkebulan’. This opportunity comes amidst rigorous competition, with 449 applicants across Africa vying for spots from 15 countries, underscoring Beukes’ rising profile in the continent’s film industry.

Reflecting on her journey, she expressed gratitude for the opportunity: “I am deeply honoured to be selected for both roles. Talents Durban presents a perfect platform to refine ‘The Mind of Alkebulan,’ a series of poignant short films exploring themes of spiritual and mental health.”

In addition to her Talents Durban participation, Beukes assumes the role of programme director at FAN, where she wants to foster networking opportunities and advocate for Namibia’s burgeoning film sector.

MultiChoice highlighted Beukes’ recent accolades, including the award-winning film ‘Miss Understood’, which debuted at MultiChoice Namibia and Zambia’s Sotambe Film Festival in 2022. Her professional journey also includes contributions to Zambia’s acclaimed series ‘Zuba’ as an assistant director and associate producer, following her MTF training.

Roger Gertze, Managing Director of MultiChoice Namibia, commended Beukes as a trailblazer within MTF: “Esther Beukes exemplifies our commitment to cultivating Africa’s creative talent through MTF. Her achievements underscore our vision to propel Africa’s film industry to economic prosperity.”

As Beukes continues her work on MultiChoice Namibia’s ‘Ombura’ project, she remains a testament to MTF’s mission to empower the next generation of African storytellers.


About The Author

Mandisa Rasmeni

Mandisa Rasmeni has worked as reporter at the Economist for the past five years, first on the entertainment beat but now focussing more on community, social and health reporting. She is a born writer and she believes education is the greatest equalizer. She received her degree in Journalism at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) in June 2021. . She is the epitome of perseverance, having started as the newspaper's receptionist in 2013.