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Supporting entrepreneurs that believe against all odds

Supporting entrepreneurs that believe against all odds

By Natasja Beyleveld
MD, Namibia Media Monitoring.

It is Friday 11:37 and Frans Awarab rings my door bell. My son opened the gate and received the package. I call Frans 5 minutes later and he walks back to my house and tells me about the one job he has and I must please call the home owner.

I did, a man that believes in the dreams of another man, albeit Frans only works there once a month, he has one book he shows me, that he got as a gift, which is inspirational content. Frans writes really well, and he politely asks in his proposal for mutual assistance or support. Him and his partners are raising a child that needs full time care and will never be able to live independently and he believes in a better life for his family.

He believes that, he must be the one that goes out there and makes it happened. I again realise, we just go home at the en do of the day to what we have, oblivious of the Frans that was born in ’73, and of the dreams he passionately wants realised. He will not give up. He’s handing out 5 bottles and proposals today and his dream is to make his own solar bottles to sell. He does not have a smart phone nor Facebook page, but here is his number. 081 1402 457.

What an inspiration. Frans completed the Entrepreneurship Program sponsored by the National Disability Council of Namibia, via NUST IR: “Mr Awarab showed passion and commitment and participated well during training.” Whatever you have to share in skills, resources, please support entrepreneurs like Frans.

He has identified possible sponsors by reading the news and has cut, printed and laminated photos within individualised proposals and a gift. Frans earns N$350 a month unless he gets something else on the side. Frans gave me a gift today, but he wants to give our country so much more. We need Frans to prosper, he will lead and inspire within his community, I am certain of it, let us make Frans famous.

See my Facebook page, Natasja Beyleveld, for video content and sharing please, or DM me for a copy.


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