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Unclaimed benefits for 176 GIPF members: An urgent call to action

Unclaimed benefits for 176 GIPF members: An urgent call to action

The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) has issued a pressing call to 176 of its members who have yet to claim their entitled benefits, totaling millions in unclaimed funds.

These benefits, which include Normal Retirement, Early Retirement, Resignation, Retrenchment, Disability, Ill-Health Retirement, Death, and Funeral benefits, are crucial financial resources meant for members exiting the Fund.

According to GIPF regulations, benefits become classified as “unclaimed” if not claimed within five years from the date they are due.

The Fund in a statement emphasised that it is the responsibility of members or their beneficiaries to initiate the claim process promptly after leaving employment.

“The process to claim benefits typically begins at the employer’s Human Resources department, where personnel files are maintained. Completed benefit claim forms and supporting documents should be submitted to the GIPF. It is crucial to note that benefits can only be paid once a claim is completed, approved, signed by the participating employer, and submitted to the Fund with all required documents,” said Edwin Tjiramba, GIPF General Manager Marketing and Stakeholder Engagement.

GIPF reiterated that it does not employ agencies or consultants to manage benefit claims on its behalf. Members are strongly advised to contact GIPF directly for information regarding their benefits. Importantly, no fees are payable for services provided by GIPF, in contrast to using external consultants.

“Members are advised to approach the Fund directly for any information related to their benefits. Members are further cautioned that no fees are payable for services rendered by the GIPF, unlike when using the services of a consultant,” he concluded.

Members who believe they may have unclaimed benefits are encouraged to promptly contact GIPF to initiate the claim process and ensure their financial security moving forward.


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The Staff Reporter

The staff reporter is the most senior in-house Economist reporter. This designation is frequently used by the editor for articles submitted by third parties, especially businesses, but which had to be rewritten completely. - Ed.