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In honour of Milinga Muyunda’s life

Milinga’s life reminds all of us of three important things that we should always be mindful about in whatever positions we hold whilst serving the Namibian people, especially those in leadership positions.
The first lesson is the indisputable reality that  ready or not, someday it will all come to an end for each one of us. There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.
All the things we once thought were important or collected will either pass to someone else or become completely irrelevant.
Our hopes, ambitions, plans and to-do lists will expire, like on the sad and unforgettable Sunday afternoon when it was the turn of our dear and beloved colleague. I believe that the engine room of TransNamib will never be the same again. But I have also no doubt that her foot prints will remain visible for years across the vast and harsh Namibian desert or wherever TransNamib is rendering a service to its customers. The second lesson out of her life is that we are all blessed by the Giver of all good things, with incredible leadership qualities and abilities to serve and lead our nation, including its people from whatever position we hold in society. It does not matter whether you are the cleaner, an ordinary employee, the CEO, the Managing Director or the employer. What matters are the high professional and ethical standards we are maintaining and holding close to our hearts in whatever we do. 

The difference we are making in the lives of others, as only a life with a visible value-add at the end, to society and those around us, is a life well lived!  The third lesson which I believe is highlighted by Milinga’s life and her contribution to the Namibian society, despite her own previously disadvantaged background, is the fact that she could rise from a humble beginning as a women in a predominantly male dominated world and eventually become a silent, but an effective value-add leader behind the scenes. Indeed a shining example for others to follow, especially for those of us who are acting as custodians in positions of trust, as leaders as we are moving forward, in serving this great Motherland of ours. Let us pause today and in her honour.  May her soul rest in Peace! Brian Black (Contribution shortened – Ed.)

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