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NaDeet imparts environmental savvy on Hardap learners

NaDEET staff members, learners from various schools in the Hardap Region and members of various communities in the Hardap Region pictured after the successful completion of a training project.

NaDEET staff members, learners from various schools in the Hardap Region and members of various communities in the Hardap Region pictured after the successful completion of a training project.

Environmental NGO NaDeet took its sustainable living approach of practising what it preaches  from its centre to communities in Namibia, touching base in the southern town of Mariental.
Key representatives from 3 schools in the Hardap Region recently met with NaDEET to launch the action “Building Sustainable Education and Practices in Communities Through a School-centred Approach”.
The event took place at the Ministry of Education’s regional offices in Mariental.
Environmental education is an important tool in the successful implementation of sustainable development and protection of Namibia’s environment, a pillar NaDEET believes in. NaDEET has been conducting environmental education activities for 10 years including NaDEET Centre 4 day programmes where participants learn and live for sustainability.

Participants learn about the challenges surrounding energy, water, waste and biodiversity as associated with sustainable living and are equipped with knowledge and skills to go back home and implement in their communities.
Despite all of these efforts, further follow ups and evaluation indicated that when participants are back home, the initial excitement to live sustainably is eventually forgotten and members of the community revert back to traditional ways of caring for the environment.
 Courses for adults have been running since 2010 following requests by adults in the communities.
NaDEET was awarded a grant by the European Union of approximately N$3 million to support three communities.
After an extensive process 3 schools were selected, N Mutschuana Primary School in Gochas, WJD Cloete Junior Secondary School in Rietoog, and Edward Frederick Primary School in Uibes.  The three schools and their communities will be fully supported to become leaders in the Hardap Region by integrating environmental learning and action taking at all ages to create a sustainable community. Smaller community level activities within this action are also co-funded by the Stichting Ontmoeting der Volkeren (COV).

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