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This Week In The Khuta – Do something!

Maybe I have this naive, inherent feeling that I can save the world or at least that I can play some part in saving it. I don’t know. But the continuous media reports on poverty and how some old lady is living under a bridge and eats from a dumpster, has got me thinking that our leaders are just not doing enough. I know I might sound like a stuck record, but I’ve learned that if you repeat something often enough, somebody somewhere will start paying attention. That is if they choose to.
So I hope to God that somebody is paying attention now. This week’s reports again focused on how many people in Namibia live below the poverty line. For some, a roof over their heads and a warm meal every day will remain a pipe-dream and I cannot help but question whether something concrete is being done about it.
Namibia really has one of the most unequal societies – a nation of haves and have-nots. How is it possible that while one Namibian can afford to take his family to the Bora Bora Islands for a vacation, another eats from a dumpster? How is it possible that while one family can afford to live in a N$3 million house, another lives under a bridge?
I don’t want to complain, but it really pisses me off to see these fat cats driving around in their shiny cars and thousand dollar suits when in comparison, some people cannot even afford to send their children to school. A charity organisation is now reportedly considering feeding hungry children with donkey milk. The thought alone is disgusting (to me at least) however, people have to come up with alternatives to survive.
My question is, what is government doing? Every year, there are these fancy promises that we will do better and how government is going to take care of the poor. And although there is some effort being made, I personally feel it is too little. I am concerned that while there are so many problems that remain unaddressed, it seems that our government officials are fast asleep. At times I feel like shaking them out of their slumber.
Another problem that just doesn’t seem to go away, is corruption. In a recently released survey on corruption, the Namibia National Urban Corruption Perception Survey Report 2011, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) stated that most urban Namibians feel the main cause of corruption is simply greed rather than poverty, poor remuneration, poor leadership or poor law enforcement. According to the survey the government tender process is also not transparent enough.
It is not only government officials or politicians that are making themselves guilty of crimes such as fraud and corruption. It is across the board. What happened to the GIPF and ODC millions? How far along are the investigations into these matters? Is the public going to be informed as to what happened to these monies?
It is as if nobody is being held accountable for anything – we can all do as we please and to hell with those who do not conform with such deeds. These funds could have been put to better use through sending children to school or university, creating much needed jobs, building houses for the needy – just simply assisting the Namibian people. Me and my friends used to joke around that government can afford to give every single Namibian a million dollars – this may not be possible, but come on government should and can do more than the occasional food/land outs. Compared to how much money is lost annually through corrupt practices, it would be nothing to assist those that are less fortunate to also live comfortably.
Let us do something concrete; something that will make a positive impact on the lives of those who really need it. Wake up, act. Do something before we really go to the dogs…

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