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NGO dedicated to help people with albinism, honoured with international award

NGO dedicated to help people with albinism, honoured with international award

A local NGO has just received an international award for the work they do among Namibians born with albinism. This week the German Embassy announced that the Bari Bari Award, established by a former Somali Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, has been awarded to SINASRA, the local NGO dedicated to improve the quality of life for albinos.

The award is conferred annually by the Canadian NGO, Under the Same Sun, to give recognition to organisations that have the biggest impact with albinism advocacy. SINASRA received the award this week on Wednesday, 13 June, to mark International Albinism Awareness Day.

SINASRA is a Namibian Non-governmental Organisation dedicated exclusively to help people born with the rare genetic condition that render their bodies unable to develop pigmentation naturally. As many albinos suffer from diminished eyesight, the award presentation was held at the School for the Visually impaired where a donation of telescopic reading glasses was made available to children. In addition, they received normal sunglasses, hats and sunblock lotion.

SINASRA was able to obtain the glasses through a substantial N$225,000 grant from the German Embassy under its micro-project fund.

Two boys born with albinism in front, with from the left, Esther Mbathera from Ohorongo Cement who donated sunblock lotion, Dr Peter Störmer, founder of SINASRA, Mrs. Störmer, Mrs Graziella Titus from the German Embassy and Dr Natalie Renkoff, the current SINASRA Chairperson.


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Community Contributor

The Community Contributor is any of a number of authors whose specific beat is community wellness, development and upliftment. Many of the authors have been contributors to the Economist for years. Others work for commercial enterprises, specialising in spreading their Corporate Social Responsibility messages. Ed.