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Live streaming summit to innovate

Through live Streaming, Namibia will connect to the 5th Innovation Summit of Africa taking place in Johannesburg from 20 to 30 August hosted by the Southern Africa Innovation Support Programme and the Namibian Business Innovation Centre at UNAM.
This unique live streaming event at the ILRC Big Video Conference Room of UNAM allows participants to take part and interact in this high level Pan-African Innovation Summit free of charge. The actual costs are close to N$8000 for the two day session. The event will see leading innovators and business leaders to come together to discuss innovation in Africa, share best practices and exchange information and knowledge.
The main purpose of the Innovation Summit is to create a platform where educators can teach, learn and develop new models for thinking about innovation and create sustainable functional networks in Africa. The summit takes place in Johannesburg, but with the use of modern technology, it reaches Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique.
Juha Miettinen of the Southern Africa Innovation Support says “the fact that we can connect all these countries for a live streaming summit on innovation demonstrates that the time is right to share our knowledge and desire to innovate and develop our ideas. It is a chance to be part of something unique and inspiring.”
Each of the participating countries will have four facilitators to manage the discussions and facilitate reflection and feedback on live stream sessions. This will ensure that although not being physically present in Johannesburg, participants will be an integral part of the Innovation Summit and able to contribute and exchange ideas.

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