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Namibia adheres to the IMF recommendations

Namibia has implemented the recommendations of the Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS) endorsed by the IMF Executive Board in May 2015 by disseminating a National Summary Data Page (NSDP).
The page serves as a one-stop publication vehicle for essential macroeconomic data in both human and machine-readable formats. It is now posted on the websites of the Namibia Statistics Agency, the Bank of Namibia, and the Ministry of Finance, and is accessible on the IMF’s Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board. This places Namibia in the first wave of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to implement the recommendations of the e-GDDS.
Publication of essential macroeconomic data through the new NSDP will provide national policy makers, a broad range of domestic and international stakeholders, including investors and rating agencies, with easy access to information that the IMF’s Executive Board has identified as critical for monitoring economic conditions and policies. Making this information simultaneously available to all users will bring greater data transparency.
Louis Marc Ducharme, Director of the IMF’s Statistics Department, welcomed this major milestone in the country’s statistical development. “I am confident that Namibia will benefit from using the e-GDDS as a framework for further development of its statistical system.”

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