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Charity empowers women

Entrepreneur Twapewa Kadhikwa was the keynote speaker at the graduation. More than 40 students who participated in various training courses offered by the Women at Work Training Centre received their diplomas and certificates at a graduation ceremony held last Friday.
The Women at Work initiative aims to combat unemployment amongst Namibian women by equipping them with skills in Home Management, Needlework and Cooking, amongst others.
By supporting the Women at Work Training Centre, Bank Windhoek assists a much neglected group in the community. This group is the hundreds of young women who drop out of school every year and the single mothers who have to support their families on a meagre to non-existent income.
Few institutions offer these women the opportunity to equip themselves with skills to enter the formal working sector. However, this organisation equips them with quality education, supported by practical learning and assessment of their work. By maintaining and supporting this standard of training, Women at Work is starting a chain reaction, whereby the next generation will be better prepared to build an economically stable Namibia. Mothers will ensure their knowledge and skills are passed on to their children, encouraging their communities to strive for a better education.
Besides training, Women at Work also places many of these trained students into the work force, by finding them jobs.
“It is wonderful to see Namibian women begin to dream and discover, that they can take their destiny in their own hand and that by working hard, they can obtain better living conditions for their families. These women are grabbing the opportunities offered to them, by participating in the versatile courses offered by the Women at Work Training Centre. Education and training still remain the most important tools to ensure social and economic growth and thus the transformation of Namibia,” said Chantel Stroh, general manager of Women at Work.
Renowned entrepreneur, Twapewa Kadhikua, who was the keynote speaker at the ceremony, encouraged the graduates to believe in themselves and become leading examples to all. Kadhikua further shared her life motto with the graduates: “Don’t wait for somebody to do something to change the world. Instead, become the change you want to see, in your families, your workplace, your communities and all areas of your life.”
The Women at Work Training Centre, is an institution not for gain, situated at 8 Tacoma Street, Suiderhof, Windhoek.

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