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Students see how smelter works

The application of empirical knowledge in technology is often obscured in an integrated system. However, a large of group of engineering students from the Polytechnic last week visited the Tsumeb smelter to learn first-hand how this engineering marvel operates.
Twenty one mining and process engineering students from the Polytechnic visited Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb to gain practical knowledge which forms part of their studies. The visit improved their understanding of the practical application of advanced technology. Lukas Fransisku, a Metallurgical Technician at Dundee explained the smelting process before he toured the plant with the students.
“The tour will benefit the students as it forms part of their experimental learning where they gain technical and process skills’ said Fransisku.
Herman Kalimbo, a metallurgy student said the experience is of high value as it relates to the theory learned in the classroom. “Seeing equipment such as convertors and other processing units, acted as a boost to my career, I enjoyed myself here and I hope to come join the production team in the near future”
“For us, practicals means more than leaving the lecture hall on campus. Keeping the students exposed to practical knowledge gives valuable information and understanding with regard to what is going on at the real working place” said Dr Mallik Pillalamarry, an engineering lecturer at the Polytechnic.
Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb so far this year welcomed four groups of students since the commissioning of the acid plant. The Tsumeb smelter mostly receives students from the University of Namibia and Polytechnic.
“Thank you very much, it was quite informative for the students, the presentation was helpful also, the students are going to submit a report based on the presentation” said Dr Pillalamarry.

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