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Public transport system on schedule

Clarence Rupingena, Manager: Public Transport,

The City of Windhoek’s (CoW)Community Services Department introduced their new public transport system last month and the Economist got a chance to do a follow up on the progress that they have made so far.

Mr Clarence Rupingena, Manager: Public Transport, City of Windhoek said that since they introduced the pilot project ‘shopping line’, every Saturday the number of passengers using the buses has increased. “On the first Saturday almost 50 customers used the buses and the following week figures dropped slightly, but the following weekend about 100 customers used the buses.”
Rupingena rates the ‘shopping line’ as a success because it fulfilled their purpose as the customers learn that going by bus is not a burden and is actually a cheaper option. “They learnt how to use a timetable and we have learnt that the timetable can be even nor tighter,” said Rupingena. Since the pilot project has shown promising potential, Rupingena and his team have decided to extend the line up to Okuryangava, where they expect even more customers.
He added that there are 20-30 buses that will arrive in the country end of October or by November. “We are developing the future network step by step, gradually and when the new buses arrive we will integrate them in the gradual improvement and development of the coming network,” said Rupingena.
Rupingena explained that the ‘shopping line’ goes through the future zones, one and two and they are currently busy with additional services in Katutura, which will hopefully start latest in the beginning of August.
Rupingena and his team will increase services in Katutura from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00, that will start in the beginning of August and the purpose of this line is to take customers to hospital, visit relatives and friends and going to work within Katurura.

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