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Reach for an Oshikandela!

Learners of Windhoek High enjoying Oshikandela during Namibia Dairies’ “Keep Cool and Refreshed” campaign.

This month Namibia Dairies reached out to Namibians with their Nammilk Oshikandela drinking yoghurt, through a variety of advertising and marketing campaigns.

Robin Rhode, Brand Manager at Namibia Dairies said: “As we all know, the weather has been hot and Namibians have been longing for rain since the beginning of the year. Not only did this present us with a great opportunity to offer our delicious and healthy refreshment to all Namibians, but at the same time emphasize the fact that Nammilk Oshikandela comes in seven tantalizing flavours. With a basket consisting of banana, strawberry, guava, mango, pineapple as well as sweet and fresh, there truly is a Nammilk Oshikandela flavour for each and every Namibian.”
Rhode went on to say that the company has availed this product though various means and one of these included a knock and drop initiative at selected schools to promote the unique refreshment and nutritional properties of Nammilk Oshikandela.
Namibia Dairies – a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group of Companies – said that the first week kicked off with a bang, recording an even higher success than was estimated. Said Rhode: “Despite the popularity enjoyed by Nammilk Oshikandela in Namibia, the activity encountered quite a lot of parents, learners and teachers who enjoyed Nammilk Oshikandela for the first time, and were pleasantly surprised that it is indeed a drinking yoghurt. The preferred flavour amongst kids was Strawberry and Pineapple, while most dads liked the Guava and moms the Mango. Banana was the flavour commonly liked by parents and kids alike.”
The “Keep Cool and Refreshed” activity has reached out to 2030 learners, 319 parents and 229 teachers thus far.

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